Value Network Mapping (1.0)
By unraveling and reimagining how value is created or lost within a system, you can uncover the keys to assist individuals and organizations in reorganizing themselves sustainably.
Value network mapping does not come with a rigid procedure; it's an adaptable method, typically involving two phases. Initially, it renders a map of the existing situation. Second, you and your stakeholders can build upon that map, making a profound evaluation and redesign.
This template offers a 3-step instruction, providing you with the basic building blocks to copy, and two inspiring examples. Let's begin mapping together!
This template was created by VITO Nexus Learn.
Get started with this template right now.
Affinity Diagram by UserPeek
Works best for:
The Affinity Diagram template is a visual tool for organizing and categorizing ideas, data, or issues into related groups. It provides a structured framework for conducting group brainstorming and affinity grouping activities. This template enables teams to synthesize information, identify patterns, and generate insights collaboratively. By promoting creativity and collaboration, the Affinity Diagram empowers teams to organize and prioritize information effectively, driving decision-making and problem-solving processes efficiently.
Yes No Flowchart Template
Works best for:
The Yes-No Flowchart Template is a simple and efficient tool that helps to simplify complex decision-making processes into clear and easy-to-follow steps. This template uses standard shapes to illustrate processes, decisions, and outcomes, with arrows that guide users from one action point to the next based on binary 'yes' or 'no' decisions. Its most prominent benefit is its ability to bring clarity to decision-making. By presenting processes visually, teams can effortlessly understand and navigate complex scenarios, ensuring that each step is transparent and reducing the potential for misunderstandings or missteps.
UML Class E-Commerce System Template
Works best for:
The UML Class E-Commerce System Template streamlines the process of creating and visualizing the class structure of an e-commerce system. It provides a comprehensive framework that includes typical online shop features such as product listings, inventory management, shopping carts, orders, payments, and shipping details. This template facilitates a clear understanding of how these elements interact during an online sales transaction, making it an invaluable tool for teams working on e-commerce projects. By using this template, teams can save time, enhance collaboration, and ensure that their system architecture is robust and efficient, ready to adapt to their business's evolving needs.
Production Flowchart Template
Works best for:
The Production Flowchart Template is a well-crafted tool that clearly represents a production process from start to finish. It breaks down complex procedures into easy-to-understand segments, making it easier for stakeholders to grasp the entire process. One of the key benefits of using this template is that it helps to clarify complex production pathways. By mapping out operations visually, teams can identify potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies, facilitating timely and well-informed decision-making.
Cause and Effect Diagram Template
Works best for:
The Cause and Effect Diagram Template is a useful tool for analyzing complex relationships, identifying root causes of problems, and improving organizational processes. It can be customized to fit user's unique needs and provides a structured framework for analysis. Teams can use real-time collaborative analysis on the Miro platform to drive continuous improvement initiatives.
Bull's Eye Diagram Template
Works best for:
Diagrams, Project Management, Prioritization
When you’re a growing organization, every decision can feel like it has make-or-break consequences—which can lead to decision paralysis, an inability to prioritize, inefficient meetings, and even low morale. If that sounds like you, put a Bull’s Eye Diagram to work. True to its name, a Bull’s Eye Diagram uses a model of concentric circles to help companies establish priorities, make critical decisions, or discuss how to remove or overcome obstacles.