Stakeholder analysis

Stakeholder Analysis Template

Represent the people involved or impacted by a system with the Stakeholder Analysis Template.

About the Stakeholder Analysis Template

When designing new solutions, it is essential to take a detailed and comprehensive approach that considers the needs and requirements of all stakeholders involved. Before making any decisions or defining the problem, it is crucial to conduct a thorough analysis that considers various factors, such as the identity of the stakeholders, their concerns and priorities, and the level of influence they wield.

Understanding how your work affects everyone involved is vital to the success of your project. By conducting a stakeholder analysis, you can better understand the various perspectives and interests and use this information to plan and strategize more effectively.

Stakeholder analysis can be a powerful tool that helps you plan and leads to a paradigm shift in your approach to the problem. By taking the time to understand the needs and requirements of all stakeholders involved, you can create solutions that are more effective, efficient, and sustainable in the long run.

Benefits of using the template

  • Focus on customers.

  • Guide future research plans.

  • Document research findings.

  • Build an understanding of your audience.

How to use the template in Miro

  1. List stakeholders using stickies and Icons tool.

  2. Group and organize them logically.

  3. Circle and label related groups.

  4. Connect stakeholders with lines and arrows.

  5. Label the relationships.

  6. Summarise stakeholder mindset in speech bubbles.

  7. Share and revise the map as you learn more.


  • Discover a specific field of interest.

  • Bring together a diverse group of collaborators.

Useful tips

  • Ensure the involvement of a diverse set of stakeholders.

  • Find a middle ground between inclusivity and relevance.

  • Avoid generalizing groups of individuals with a single symbol.

Stakeholder Analysis Template

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