The IRL to Virtual SHIFT Canvas
What Is It?
The IRL to Virtual Shift Canvas is a template that helps workshop designers and learning experience designers to shift their "In Real Life" workshops or training to a virtual experience using the 5 senses as a guiding lens.
When to Use It?
When you are needing to recreate, rethink and/or redesign any of your amazing IRL experiences into a powerful virtual experience.
Why Use It?
The experience that we have in IRL is a culmination of how our five senses are engaged to solidify the moment(s) in our minds. This template will help you breakdown your IRL experience through this lense and think about how you can recreate that for your participants virtually.
How To Use It?
Start by connecting with your IRL landscape and hone in on the pivotal moments you want to recreate. Examine these through the five sense and highlight the key aspects. Brainstorm shifting those to virtual. Then start planning!
Let your creativity run wild. Enjoy!
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