Official Remote 5-day Design Sprint
The Design Sprint is a five-day process for solving problems and testing new ideas. Invented at Google by Jake Knapp, perfected with more than 150 startups at GV, then shared with the world in the bestselling book Sprint.
About the official Remote 5-day Design Sprint template
What Is a Design Sprint?
The big idea with the Design Sprint is to build and test a prototype in just five days. You'll take a small team, clear the schedule for a week, and rapidly progress from problem to tested solution using a proven step-by-step checklist. It's like fast-forwarding into the future.
Why use this Design Sprint template
The experts who literally wrote the book on design sprints created this template, just for Miro. First, facilitator Steph Cruchon of Design Sprint Ltd gathered the agency’s combined experience of physical design sprints and looked for ways to make it efficient and enjoyable in a remote setting. At the same time, the creators of the methodology at Google, Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky, teamed up with Jackie Colburn to write an in-depth guide to run full five-day remote design sprints.
Together, they created this official template for remote sprints, invested personally in writing crystal clear instructions, and even added new exercises that don’t appear in the Sprint book but were part of their workshops. This template works hand in hand with the book and will help you run excellent 100% remote design sprints.
How to use the Design Sprint template
Using the Design Sprint template is easy. Typically how it works is, the facilitator will prep the event before guiding participants through the one big goal for each day of the sprint – to map, sketch, decide, prototype, or test.
For those new to participating in Design Sprints, one of the biggest challenges will be to trust the process. Remember that times it will be overwhelming but that’s part of the process and it’ll all work out.
Miro’s whiteboard tool is the perfect canvas to use for your design sprint — remotely or in person. Here’s one way to use it when you're preparing for your next sprint:
Get started by selecting this Design Sprint template.
Read the Design Sprint Remote Guide for advice on tools, preparation, facilitation, and modified tactics.
Give the sprint a name. E.g. “User signup flow.”
Clarify the goal of the sprint. E.g. “To improve the user’s experience as they sign up.”
Ensure you get the right people in the room and assign the roles within the team. Make sure to clarify and brief the role of the facilitator and decider in advance.
Then take the template to the session, because you’re ready to get started!
Invite your team to start collaborating, and don’t forget to share the finished product with the wider company. Be sure to tell everyone about the process and help them understand what you’ve explored and learned about the topic.
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