Discovery Research
Why should you use this Discovery Research Template?
The most important thing to a research project is to ask the right questions.
If you have a hard time understanding what your team needs to research, or you have stakeholders with different expectations about your project, or even if it's just because the imposter syndrome is banging on your door and you feel like you don't know where to start your research project, this template is for you!
I've been working in developing this for the last 2 years, and it was tested by researchers in all different kinds of levels.
Don't be afraid of ambiguity in your research anymore. Control this beast by structuring your project.
You can use this as a workshop or by yourself.
How to use this template
Start with an icebreaker. It could be the one in the template or anything you would like. Make sure people pick a color so you can track faster who is saying what.
Go through each box, asking questions to the team. They should answer by themselves, and then you start to ask more questions either to clarify or to promote a debate between members.
Copy all the notes to the central question area, code them, and organize them by topic (use Miro cluster button, it's fantastic!)
Write down you plan following the template guidelines. Feel free to modify or organize the way it suits you better!
Pro-tip - you can use the questions and hypothesis to build your Discussion Guide or Questionnaire. This will help you to structure your research around what is important.
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