Decision-making Matrix
This Matrix should help you making easier product decisions. Fill in the various options and the related factors/criteria. Afterwords you can rank the certain parts. The total score will help you to make the final decision.
When to use The Product Decision-Making Matrix?
Working for a fast paced company we always have new product ideas. In a short time we have a tons of new ideas.
But writing them down only doesn't necessarily end up in developing a new product. Why? Because most of the time the specification of the idea and the product is missing. This Matrix should help you to specify certain ideas or variants of the idea itself. Bring team members together, collect options of the product and factors to rank them. The option with the highest score will help you to further develop the idea/product or where with which idea to start.
How does The Product Decision-making Matrix work?
Step 1: Prepare the team. Present the ideas to discuss during the workshop
Step 2: Define wether different options for a certain product will be specified or if different products will be compared/evaluated
Step 3: Creating ranking factors/criteria for every option
Step 4: Brainstorming - add comments to every factor/criteria
Step 5: Discussion in the team
Step 6: Rank every factor/criteria with a value from 1 - 5 (1 = low impact/not interesting, 5= highest impact/most interesting)
Step 7: Calculate the sum of every option
Step 8: the Option with the highest count won and will be further developed
Step 9: Define next steps to develop the product within the team
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